Bruno & Ana-Cecília Granja Vila Nova  – Brazilians returning from Home Assignment to Thailand

Project Costs

Total cost:


Pledged by match4mission:



31st December 2024

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Bruno & Ana-Cecília with their children, Josué (8) and Raquel (6), have served with OMF in Thailand since 2018.  After full-time language study in Lopburi they joined a church planting team in the south of Thailand.  Bruno is a trained football coach and uses football as a means of outreach in the community.  Ana Cecília home-schools both children and actively serves in their local church.  On their return they will be based in Central Thailand where both children will be able to attend a Christian International School which will free Ana to be more involved in their local community and go back to language consolidation. 

Following a fruitful year back in Brazil, reconnecting with their supporters and deputizing for the Strategy Coordinators for New Horizons, Brazil, they are now looking forward to returning to Thailand in early 2023.  They are currently at a support level of 77% and still need to raise £10,200 to reach 100% support of their £44,800 budget for 2023.  (The amount they are lacking is the same as the cost of putting their children into the Christian school for one year.)

Breakdown of total project cost

Item Cost
schooling for children £5,100
Total: £5,100

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