Carlos Fellipe

Project Costs

Total cost:


Pledged by match4mission:



31st October 2024

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Carlos Fellipe comes from Brazil

He is in the middle of his application to serve long-term in Japan.  His full name is Carlos Fellipe Oliveira Rosa e Sousa, he is a 35 year old single, geologist and theologian with a strong call and commitment to serve long-term in church planting in rural Japan.  As part of his geology degree course he spent 18 months in New Zealand

He is currently serving full-time in his church in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, and hopes to combine partnership development with this work.  All being well, we are hoping that Carlos can leave for the Field some time in the second half of 2024.

Project cost: Carlos Fellipe will need £4,000 to learn the Japanese language to a level by which he can talk about spiritual matters

Breakdown of total project cost

Item Cost
Cost of language course and set-up £4,000
Total: £4,000
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