Hello, and welcome to match4mission news. Why a new charity, you may ask, since there are already thousands around?
The vision for this came from our observation that God is doing a new thing. The centre of gravity for mission has moved from the Western world to the growing churches in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Young and mature people from these churches sense God’s call to mission, but are often hampered by lack of funds, training, adequate organisational infrastructure and sustainable long-term foundations. We would very much like to enable some of these many people to go.
Since we are at the very start-up of this charity we don’t have any specific “success stories” to share, but would like to draw your attention to the current projects.
Hang and Vung from India have been in Thailand for over a year already. They started as short-termers, but – as they saw the spiritual needs of Thai people – they decided to apply for long-term ministry. The V’s (for security reasons we cannot write their full names) were born in East Asia, but came to France as refugees when they were children. But they never forgot their Hmong roots, and in the end they realised that God was calling them back to their own people.
You can have a part in creating the “success story” by investing in one of our interesting and strategic projects. Have a look at the individual projects listed on our website. Pray for the people and projects, and ask God to guide you how you can best support them in prayer and financially.