Long-term project application form

Your application will be given due consideration by the match4mision trustees, and if they accept it the information below will appear on its website. Be cautious in the way you answer, and avoid disclosing sensitive information about yourself or about the ministry you will be involved in. Please send us a picture of yourself, too, unless you’d prefer not to have your picture on the website.

Terms and Conditions

Before you proceed with the application, please read the terms and conditions below, and indicate that you’ve understood and are in agreement with them:

  1. match4mission is a charitable organisation. It does not have its own funds, but depends on donors to provide it. There is therefore no guarantee that funding will be available at any time.
  2. For legal, administrative and logistic reasons, match4mission will only consider applications that come through a Christian organisation which is registered in the UK, and which has the endorsement of said organisation
  3. match4mission will only fund up to 50% of any project. The remaining 50% need to be obtained from other sources
  4. match4mission trustees will decide on a case-by-case basis which projects to include in their fundraising efforts. Their decision is final and cannot be challenged
Long-term project application form
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