SIM West Africa Missions Office (WAMO) PARTNERSHIPS

The Agabi family

Project Costs

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  1. SIM West Africa Missions Office (WAMO) PARTNERSHIPS

    Sending missionaries into isolated communities in Africa.

    £750.00 donated of £1,600.00 goal

31st December 2022

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In November 2018 the West Africa Missions Office organized the “Senders Gathering Consultation” in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, which brought together more than 150 participants from various West African mission sending agencies to discuss ways of co-operating in their ministry.

Some of these discussions have already resulted in solid and effective partnerships, and WAMO has been able to facilitate for six missionaries from West Africa to be deployed. John and Elizabeth Joshua (not their real names) (pictured on the left, together with WAMO staff) have been sent to Mali and they are currently learning the local language in Bamako, Mali before they head into an isolated setting of  in Mali to minister among an unreached people group.  WAMO is also pursuing a partnership with Nigerian agency CAPRO in order to have more missionaries from West Africa go into isolated communities in North Africa, Mali, Chad, Thailand and Northern Nigeria. Four trips from Ghana (the location of WAMO) to Nigeria are scheduled for every year to strengthen  these partnerships and also to mobilize missionaries through these partners. 
Similar partnerships are developing in Ivory Coast with two major organizations. The first association, SALAM, is very strategic for advocating and helping to mobilize support for missionaries to go to North Africa and the Arab nations with the gospel. They have already mobilized and sent two couples and a single to North Africa and another couple to the Arab peninsula, all of them from Ivory Coast. They have invited WAMO for a meeting to see how to build on this, and the first meeting happened in 2019. WAMO’s goal and purpose is to send more workers into communities where Christ is least known, so we consider this partnership as very strategic. Two trips are scheduled for this year and the first trip has been executed in the early weeks of January 2020. We are left with one more to go in order to finalize partnership papers and MOUs.
Still in Cote Ivory Coast, we have an association of doctors which sends Christian medics on short term mission trips to various countries. And since SIM has need for skilled workers especially doctors, teachers and accountants, this is an extremely strategic partnership that will help in mobilizing a good number of doctors to serve in various unreached communities like Galmi, Niger where an SIM medical centre is situated. The association desired that WAMO partner with them as we started discussing this possibility in January 2020.  
These are exciting times for the church and all mission minded saints who want to see the nations come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. WAMO will need help with the cost of travel to match its budgets to meet with these partners to concretize and move things forward.

Breakdown of total project cost

Type of activity Cost
Trips to Nigeria and to Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire £3,200
Total: £3,200
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